
our new cooperation with Puressence Ltd.

TO:  Cyprus based customers     

In the context of the continuous development of our company and with the aim of continuing and upgrading our offered service to our esteemed customer base, we are delighted to announce that Puressence Ltd is now a member of HOTELWARE GROUP. Puressence Ltd from now on will be responsible for the distribution and sales of our products in the Cyprus market. 

We are confident that the companies of our group are now able not only to create new product categories and services but also to upgrade the existing ones with the focus on the best possible satisfaction of our honorable partners in the Cyprus market. 

As of today, please send your orders to info@puressence.com.cy or our phone number  7777 8929. For changes to your system the new vendor details are: 

Company Name: Puressence Ltd

Reg. No.: HE 246545, VAT Reg. No.: 10246545R

Address: 1, Everest str. Industrial Area Aradippou (old Free trade zone)

Larnaca, Cyprus 7100

Telephone No: +357 24533 878, 7777 8929

Fax No.: +357 24533 879

Email address: info@puressence.com.cy